Big Data
without Legal Restrictions

The Data Bottleneck in AI Today:

High quality ata is one of today’s most valuable resources. However collecting real data is not always an option e.g. due to legal restrictions. But synthetic data, consisting in slightly modified copies of existing real-world observations, s used to train machine learning models, can be a good alternative to rely on for training and testing machine learning models.

Synthetic times series minimc characteristics of the original data as long as the temporal dynamics is preserved. In this case the synthetic dataset is a perfect proxy for the orignal time series, since it contains the same information and represents the same underlying data generating process, but is free from legal restrictions.

The MIT Tech Review recently included synthetic data generation in its top ten breakthrough technologies in 2022.

The key reasons, a business may consider using synthetic time series:

  1. Synthetic data may be way cheaper and faster to generate than it would be to collect from real world events.. Synthetically generated data mitigates data scarcity and improves the statistical performance of ML models as well as their generalisation e.g. by solving imbalance problems.
  2. There are cases, in which data are rare or dangerous to accumulate e.g. in case of unusual fraud or real live anomalies e.g. in case of road accidents of self-driving vehicles or side effects of drugs. In such cases, we can substitute the unwanted events by synthesized data.
  3. When sensitive data must be processed or given to third parties to work with, privacy issues must be taken into consideration. Thus future researchers are not able to use them to develop and compare new research.
  4. Proprietary data assets provide an enduring competitive advantage for AI-startups that have given e.g. only the tech giants in the last 20 years a crippling market dominance, since getting data was always a slow and costly process. Fully synthesized data can be easily controlled and adjusted.
  5. Synthetic data open a series of doors for companies. Unlocking collaboration at an organizational or industry level, safely and efficiently sharing data, complying with data privacy regulations, facilitating innovation by unlocking new applications such as churn modeling in insurance, identifying money-laundering patterns in finance or detecting cancer in healthcare.
Currently featured projects:
Why we are here and what we stand for:
Democratizing the access to high-quality test and training data on a large scale much easier and affordable, is essential for the economic vitality of the whole domain of data dependent companies, that are build on proprietary data yet and have given e.g. the well known tech giants a crippling market dominance in the last 20 years. But the low-threshold availability of high-quality synthetic data will challenge this status quo. It will open up the market for competition and innovation on all scales. It will generate a diversity of ways of independence bringing economic flexibility and elasticity vis-à-vis the unexpected in our lives, that in the end will allow all of us to turn even the bad things into chances.

Coming from different scientific disciplines some time ago we realized that AI itself had reached a dead end where nothing else can be expected but the end of all funding - a third AI-winter. For we had made progress in AI not so much by changing our algorithmic problem-solving strategies in the last decades as by giving our algorithms more data from which to learn. To find their way out of this flytrap, innovators in business and academia had to buy time to develop alternative approaches. But they usually spent their time on collecting large amounts of high-quality data, and thus have no time to improve their ideas or to try something new to the benefit of Artificial Intelligence for all of us. We as a company want to give all of them more time for creativity or to play around with something new by providing the data they need in their experiments without sacrificing the data privacy of the people.

Innovators have dreams, to which they always return. And we understand that. But 85% of all AI-startups fail to deliver anything. Hence we work for sustainability in personal and intellectual development, for the live time and otherwise lost passion, work and resources of the innovators. We work for the long term prosperity of AI. And we want to open the canister of Pandora that is concealed in the data of the never returning phenomena in our human lives.
The Core Team
  • Johannes Aurich
    CEO / Founder

    Business Developper

  • Dr. Elmar Diederichs
    CDO / Founder


  • Dr. Roberto Da Calvo
    CMO / Founder

    Medical Doctor

Our Business Partners:
  • Company - N.N.
    N. N.
    CEO / Company Name
  • Elements of Euclid - specialized on
    AI and Machine Learning
    Dr. Elmar Diederichs
    CEO / Elements of Euclid
  • Company - N.N.
    N. N.
    CEO / Company Name

Data Adagio

Generation of Synthetic Data with Preserved Dynamics
